Project Description
The course provides basic knowledge in Chinese herbs so that tourist guides can better explain the commonly-found herbs and common features of Chinese medical shops in Chinatown. Guides will visit Eu Yan Sang and Thye Shan Medical Hall to know more about these heritage brands and the common sections and equipment found in a Chinese medical shop.
Full Fee: $130
Course Dates for Year 2020:
- To be confirmed
Singaporeans under WTS (1) Scheme (>= 35 years and) |
Singaporeans >= 40 years old. SkillsFuture Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy. |
Singaporeans aged 21-39 and PR (2) | Work Permit holder | |
SSG funding % | 95% | 90% | 80% | 0% |
Admin Charges | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Nett fee payable by participants | $130 x 5% = $6.50 | $130 x 10% = $13 | $130 x 20% = $26 | $130 |
(1) WTS – Workfare Training Support
(2) Capped at $17 per hour for Singaporeans aged 21-39 and PR
Refund policy
- No refund of nett fee once paid.
- No change of course date once nett fees have been paid.
For attendance to be logged on STB TRUST system
- Participants have to complete 7 hours of the PDC course. Should participants arrived late or leave earlier before completing the 7 hours, Good Afternoon Pte Ltd will not submit the attendance to STB.
Post course evaluation
Participants are to note that SSG will send them a survey to fill up after the course end date.
Terms for SSG Funding (Not Applicable to Non Singaporean / Non Singapore PR)
- Participant MUST attend the full course and pass the assessment.
- Participant MUST provide their required information in below forms accurately. Good Afternoon reserve the right to check the participant physical NRIC. Should participant not allow Good Afternoon to check the NRIC, Good afternoon reserve the right to disallow the student to participant in the class since student’s information has not been verified.
- Participant MUST provide copy of WTS letter* (if applicable) for verification purpose. (Please refer to footnote A for information about training allowance for self-sponsored applicants).
- Company sponsored Singaporean/PR (payment by company/cheque or company bank) are eligible for absentee payroll. (please refer to footnote B). For company sponsored participant, the company must submit their claims via skillsconnect within 1 week of registration of the course.
- For participant attending the exact same course TWICE or more, participant is NOT eligible for SSG funding. Participant who have attended the class before have to pay the FULL course fee.
Things to note
1) Information collected is for STB and SSG funding purposes only.
2) Good Afternoon Pte Ltd reserved the rights to cancel, postpone or amend the date and time of the PDC delivery
A Visit Workfare Training Support (WTS) Scheme website for more information
B. For more information about absentee payroll for company sponsored applicants, please click on link below to know more about absentee payroll
C. For more information about SkillsFuture SG (SSG) funding please visit the website below